Educational Printables and Resources

For Kids, Parents and Teachers

Activities For Kids

Indoor, outdoor and more

Free Resources

Coloring, cut & paste and more

Educational Books

Picture, activity and other books

Facts & Games

Fun and educational

Popular Resources

From free Montessori printables to beautiful coloring pages, all yours to explore.

Ignite imagination and learning with our diverse collection of engaging kids’ crafts and activities for learning and fun. Whether it is Montessori printables, coloring pages, math and STEM worksheets or cut & paste pages, we got you covered with plenty of free resources to choose from.

Vroom Vroom

Get ready to ride the Vroom Vroom world of cutting and pasting. This book contains 55 pages of shape cutting and pasting along with many fun and educational car part facts.

a hand holding kid car themed activity book

Featured Products

Whether that’s coloring, cut and paste or I spy books you are looking for, we got you covered with a range of educational books.

Interactive Coloring Book

Color & Hear

Each page contains QR code that can be scanned to listen to each music instrument being played!

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